(Crabgrass in lawns)
Slow-Release Fertilizer with DIMENSION Crabgrass Control – THERE IS STILL TIME FOR PRE-EMERGENT CRABGRASS CONTROL APPLICATION THIS SPRING. The cool weather has slowed germination of many things, including crabgrass seeds. DIMENSION granular crabgrass control with fertilizer is the only product on the market that can not only prevent crabgrass germination, but will also kill already germinated crabgrass plants for up to 2 weeks after germination (until the 3-leaf stage of the young plants). We don’t normally recommend pre-emergent crabgrass control this late in the season, but with DIMENSION you’re still assured complete, season-long control. Act quickly, water in thoroughly to activate and enjoy a crabgrass-free lawn all spring and summer.
Broadleaf Weed Control with Liquid Herbicide – For broad spectrum perennial broadleaf weed control, liquid products are by far superior than granular ones. Dandelions, clover, plantain, ground ivy, wild onions, and many other perennial weeds are easily eliminated with a single application of liquid broadleaf weed control. Bear in mind that perennial weeds can only be killed/controlled while they’re actively growing. This is now for many of our most annoying weeds. And, as always, I’ll mention that for a weed-free spring lawn, apply liquid broadleaf weed controls in September or early October, at the end of the growing season. It’s always better to be proactive than reactive with weeds. Remember that when applying liquid broadleaf weed controls, lawns should not be mowed for 24 hours after application, and rain should not fall on the lawn for 12 hours after application.
Preventative Grub Control with MERIT/MALLET – Grubs are the larval stage of many beetles (primarily Japanese beetles for our purposes) that live in the shallow soil, beneath turf. They feed on the roots of grass plants in the spring and fall, and can cause irreparable damage to healthy lawns if left unchecked. The adult beetles cause damage to the foliage of desirable trees and shrubs, but seldom kill the plants. Large populations of grubs, on the other hand can kill whole lawns or sections thereof if allowed to feed unchecked. And the problem is that since they’re feeding underground, you won’t see the damage until it’s too late and the turf dies. We recommend GRUB PROOFING your lawn every year. The easiest and most effective way to achieve season-long grub control is to apply MERIT/MALLET granular insecticide every growing season, between mid-May and mid-July, before the grubs start feeding actively. MERIT/MALLET is safe for pets and children; it works systemically by being absorbed into the grass plants and killing insects that feed on those plants. One spring application will last for the entire growing season!
Fertilizing Lawns in May – Most of you, I hope, have already or will soon treat your lawns with our great DIMENSION/fertilizer combination product. If this describes you, you will not need additional fertilizer for your lawns until June, when you’ll be advised to apply our organic-based, slow-release summer fertilizer. If you’ve not yet, and don’t plan to apply pre-emergent crabgrass control this spring (seeded lawns, heavily shaded lawns, areas that need renovation/repair from insect or disease), you should apply your SLOW-RELEASE turf food now. This product is long lasting and will help the lawn to establish during the spring growing season.
Seeding in May – Spring is a lousy time for general lawn improvement seeding, as I’ve said until I’m blue in the face. Cool soil slows germination, roots establish poorly in cool spring soils and will not grow at all over the summer and typical summer weather will thin or kill most poorly-established turf, etc., etc. If you must seed this spring, keep it to a minimum and use only Lawn Depot EVERGREEN blend, a 100% mixture of fine-bladed perennial ryegrasses that will germinate faster and establish roots better than other seed mixes containing bluegrasses or fescues. So, if you feel compelled to seed this spring, plan on overseeding these areas again in August or September, the best time of the year for lawn seeding.
Also in May on Lawns – Spring and fall are the acknowledged preferred times for core aeration, however, we’d rather think that any time when the ground is soft enough to pull a 2-3” long plug and the grass is actively growing is a good time for aeration. And, we’d love for you to aerate your lawns twice or more a year if possible. The more often you pull plugs, the better the water enters the grass root zones, and the deeper the roots go. The deeper and denser the root system, the healthier the turf. Also, in May, liming with pelletized limestone is excellent for our lawns. Rains are acidic from air pollution and our soil is naturally low in pH, so regular lime applications are highly beneficial. With pelletized lime being clean, dust-free, and easy to handle, lime can be applied at almost any time.