Stop by for our annual Mother’s Day Shrub Sale and so much more!

Lawn Depot Nursery

Plant Offerings in the Nursery YardWe are pleased to announce that we have expanded our tree and shrub selections to include many more native varieties and larger container sizes.  As part of our continued 50th Anniversary celebration, all of our trees and shrubs will be 30% off Mother’s Day weekend (May 10th – May 12th).  Stop in and see these beautiful specimens for yourselves.  Our perennials are out and looking great!  We will continue to add more to our selections each week.  Annuals, vegetables and herbs are filling the remainder of the nursery with eye-popping color and many combination options for your plantings!  Give your plants the very best start with Espoma’s Bio-tone Starter Plus (containing a proprietary blend of mycorrhizae).  Mix the recommended amount in the planting hole to promote bigger, healthier blooms and roots!

Proven Winner Certification – We are Proven Winners Certified Garden Center. This high-level distinction signifies that our customers can count on us for reliable advice about Proven Winners annuals, perennials, and flowering shrubs including many of the 2024 Proven Winner selections. Be sure to look for the Proven Winner brand annuals, perennials and shrubs in our nursery yard! 

Planting in May – May is a huge planting month for annuals (flowers and vegetables), perennials, trees and shrubs.  Perennials, shrubs and trees can be safely planted in May, but plant annuals with care.  While our planting zone has been adjusted to 7a with the last anticipated frost date being April 30th, BE AWARE THAT WE HAVE HAD FROST AS LATE AS THE 3rd WEEK OF MAY.  Even though our zone is adjusted, don’t let that lead you to a false sense of security.  Be vigilant if you plant warm season annuals, vegetables and more tender herbs during the first half of May.  Cover plantings if the overnight temperatures are forecasted to drop to 43 degrees or below.  On a clear, still night cold damage can occur even at 40 degrees on more tender plants (Basil, peppers, dahlias, ageratum, etc).  When planting annuals, soil temperature is as important as air temperature.  If you plant into soil that is colder than the environment they’re accustomed to, the roots will go into shock, and growth will be set back significantly.  Planting into warm soil is extremely important to achieve the best results.  Planting annuals and vegetables in planters, raised beds, patio pots and hanging baskets is less of a shock as the soil is warmer above ground, but these are still susceptible to overnight cold damage.  If cold overnight temps are predicted, protect your plants with a covering or by moving them under cover!  Better safe than sorry!

Fertilizing Young Trees, Shrubs, Perennials, and Bulbs in May – All permanent plants benefit from a spring feeding, which is most beneficial when applied prior to the end of May.  Shrubs, perennials, ground covers and bulbs are best fed with slow-release fertilizers.  Trees and some deeper-rooted shrubs can be fed with granular or formed fertilizer spikes (for ease of use).  Using a crowbar or strong wooden stake, poke holes at the dripline of the plant, 12-15” into the soil, use 3 spikes for every 2” of tree caliper/shrub height, and drop the fertilizer into the holes.  Follow the package directions (Tree-tone or Holly-tone) for granular fertilizers, pouring the recommended amount in each hole. 

Protecting Trees and Shrubs from Insects and Diseases, Season-Long – Protect your valuable trees and shrubs with one of the excellent, season-long insect and disease controlling products available in our garden center.  These systemic products are safer for the environment, long-lasting, and wide spectrum, so you can be confident in using them.  Of course, we carry a full line of organic solutions as well for those who prefer organic gardening.  We’re happy to help you find the products that will be best for your situation.

Weed Control in Landscaped Areas – The best way to control those pesky weeds that pop up in mulched areas is to apply Treflan (granular pre-emergent weed preventer) either under or on top of your mulch.  To keep weeds at bay all season apply follow-up layers every 6 weeks through July, especially if your mulch depth is less than 3 inches.

Birds and Beneficial Creatures – Here come the Hummingbirds!!!  If you haven’t put out your Hummingbird feeder yet, do it NOW!  You will enjoy these beauties all season long if you supply them with a consistent food source.   Did you know that bats and many birds (Bluebirds, Robins, Purple Martins and more) eat ants, ticks, flies, gnats and mosquitoes?  Why not encourage them to stay around your yard by putting up bird houses and feeders for them!  Nature’s built in pest control!  Plus, they’re fun to watch!  Stop by to browse our great selection of birdfeed, feeders, houses, etc.

Protecting Plants from Damage – Deer and rabbits and voles, oh my!  Many of you have already been dealing with plant damage caused by these creatures and more. Most repellents list the number of days they estimate between applications.  However, many things affect the best time to reapply.  Rain is the main factor.  It is best to err on the side of earlier rather than later, as it is more difficult to attain control if active feeding is currently happening.  We have large selection of various types of repellents to choose from for deer, rabbits, voles, etc.  Our knowledgeable staff is here to help you choose the repellent that best suits your situation.  Don’t wait until it’s too late!

Lawn Depot Online Store – For your convenience, we offer an Ecommerce shopping option.  Our online store is accessible via our website.  Just go to and click on Shop Now!  Not everything we carry is available to view and purchase online, but you will find a good number of products to browse.  We offer pick up and local delivery options only.  If you place an order online, be sure to use the email address you have on file with us.  This way the purchase will integrate with your customer history.  If you are a Turf Management customer, we encourage you to browse away, but call us before placing an online order as we want to ensure you receive the 20% store discount extended to active Turf Management customers.

The Lawn Depot staff are eager to share our excitement in celebrating our 50th Anniversary with many great sales throughout 2024 and our special 50th Anniversary Celebration weekend!  We can’t wait to see what’s in store this season.  It’s going to be a banner year for us, and we look forward to sharing it with all of you!  Many thanks for your continued patronage! 

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