Crabgrass Control with DIMENSION – Early May is when crabgrass seeds typically begin to germinate in Southeastern PA. Like last year, the unseasonably mild weather we experienced in mid-April warmed the soil long enough to start crabgrass germination earlier than normal. This warm spell was followed by colder temperatures to keep further crabgrass germination at bay. Keep in mind that DIMENSION is the only product on the market that can both prevent germination AND kill seedlings AFTER germination. So, the clock is ticking! If you have not yet applied DIMENSION and want a crabgrass-free lawn this summer, DO SO IMMEDIATELY and water-in thoroughly to activate. We have DIMENSION either with organic-based, slow-release nitrogen fertilizer or without nitrogen fertilizer.
Broadleaf Weed Control with Liquid Herbicide – Between late April and Mid-June, virtually all warm weather-active perennial weeds are actively growing; it is prime time to remove them from your lawns completely. Dandelions, clover, plantain, ground ivy, wild strawberry: all have actively growing leaves and roots during this time, and therefore are easily killed without damaging desirable grasses. One application of selective liquid herbicide (no rain in the forecast; no mowing for 24 hours after) will remove all weeds. Follow up this spring application of liquid broadleaf weed control with a fall (September) application to the weeds that pop up over the summer to ensure a weed free lawn next spring!
Preventative Grub Control with MERIT/MALLET – Grubs are the larval stage (egg, larvae, pupa, adult) of many beetles (primarily Japanese beetles for our purposes) that live in the shallow soil, beneath turf. They feed on the roots of grass plants, and can cause significant damage to healthy lawns in the late summer/early fall if left unchecked. When the adult beetles emerge from the soil in late spring/early summer, they cause damage to the foliage of desirable trees and shrubs, but seldom kill the plants. However, the large populations of grubs that hatch from the eggs they lay can kill whole lawns or sections thereof if allowed to feed unchecked. And the problem is that since they’re feeding underground, you won’t see the damage until it’s too late and the turf dies. The easiest and most effective way to achieve season-long grub control is to apply MERIT/MALLET granular insecticide every growing season, between mid-May and mid-July, before the grubs start feeding actively. MERIT/MALLET is safe for pets and children; it works systemically by being absorbed into the grass plants and killing insects that feed on those plants. One spring application will last for the entire growing season!
Fertilizing Lawns in May – If you’ve already fertilized the lawn this spring (either alone or in combination with DIMENSION Pre-Emergent Crabgrass Control) do not feed the lawn again until June. If you have not yet fed the lawn this spring, feed it now with Lawn Depot organic-based, slow-release 16-2-3 fertilizer.
Seeding in May – The mild temperatures have helped speed up germination of cool season grass seed. Of the desired grass types, perennial ryegrass and turf-type tall fescue are the fastest germinating varieties for any necessary spring seeding jobs. We have both varieties in straight blends or mixed together. Get after it now though, because summer weather is right around the corner and typical summer weather will thin or kill most poorly-established turf. Remember to keep it to a minimum and plan on overseeding these areas again in August or September, the best time of the year for lawn seeding.