When I sat down to write the June Newsletter this year we were in the midst of a significant dry spell; we were worried about how tender plants might endure the hot, dry summer ahead. Well, before that Newsletter was even delivered, the rains came. And they’ve kept coming all summer. Now we’re well ahead of our “normal” rainfall year-to-date, the lawns have bounced back, and annuals, perennials, and newly planted shrubs have thrived. It’s been uncomfortably hot for much of the summer, but the plant world has enjoyed a VERY good growing season. Now, as we inch ever closer to fall, we have to get back to the real world: football season begins in earnest, schools resume, weather begins to cool, and it’s PRIME TIME for improving/upgrading lawns.
From late August until beyond Thanksgiving, we’ll enjoy (and hopefully all take advantage of) the best growing conditions of the year for lawn work. Late summer/early fall (the earlier, the better) is far and away the best time for seeding lawns. Fertilizing lawns twice in the fall (early September, late October through early December) will thicken turf and build deeper, denser root systems. Before doing any seeding, make sure to apply liquid broadleaf weed control. We are nearing the end of the growing season for perennial broadleaf weeds (dandelions, clover, ground ivy, many more); apply herbicide now and eliminate all the weeds in your lawns, and next spring your lawns will be weed-free: the talk of your neighborhood.
Lawn Depot Turf Management has begun their early fall application work (early fall fertilization and broadleaf weed control), along with scheduled core aerations and seeding jobs. Fall is always the busiest time of year for the Turf Management crew due to the limited window of opportunity to improve our lawns by overseeding, but we’re still accepting both new regular application work as well as more core aeration and/or seeding jobs. As always, if you’re not presently a Lawn Depot Turf Management customer and might like to consider using the best service company in the area for your lawn, we ask you to either call (215-348-5553) and talk with one of our friendly turf management staff during business hours, stop in at the Garden Center or find us on the internet at www.lawndepotinc.com and select “Request an Estimate”. In all cases, one of our turf professionals will visit your property to measure and evaluate it, and we’ll email (or mail) you an estimate for work requested as quickly as possible
The Garden Center is again filled to bursting, both inside with all the seeds, feeds, controls, and tools, and in the Nursery Yard with lovely fall mums in lots of colors and several sizes, asters, and boatloads of lovely and thriving perennials, both in bloom and in full leaf. It’s time to think of pulling the lovely annuals that you planted in May and have been nurturing and enjoying all summer. By now they’re probably pretty leggy and not so attractive anymore. Pull them and replace them with the lovely fall colors of mums, asters and fall-blooming perennials. Mums and other fall annuals and vegetables will be here mid-week next week.
For 50 years now we’ve been urging, cajoling and otherwise encouraging you all to use the lovely weather of our autumns to upgrade lawns and landscapes. It seems that everything you do in the fall (particularly with your lawns) works, whereas work that you do in the spring and summer is always a struggle. Fall is for planting, whether it be new seed to refresh/upgrade the lawn, or trees, shrubs, and perennials to enhance the landscape. Lawn Depot Garden Center is back on our regular fall schedule beginning Sunday, August 27th – open every day, Monday through Friday 8-6, Saturday 8-5, and Sunday 9-3. We’ve got a wonderful staff to discuss your situations with each of you who need help or advice with your lawns and landscapes. Come early and come often. The Lawn Depot will be here to help you get exactly what you want in your yards.
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