When writing last month’s Newsletter, we were in the midst of a period of abnormally high (frequency and quantity) rainfall for the summer months. Conditions were perfect for getting us into the best season of the year for starting, improving, or renovating lawns: mid-August through late-November. Since then, there’s been very little “meaningful” rainfall, mostly just local cloudbursts that don’t help very much because the water doesn’t penetrate into root zones, it just runs off. However, it seems that now the weather patterns have shifted, and we’ve entered more fall-like weather: periodic rainy days/nights, cooler daytime high temperatures, and cooler overnight lows. Perfect for lawns and landscapes. We hope you’ve all gotten yourselves into fall-like activities, including repairing/upgrading your lawns.
Early fall is the PERFECT time for eliminating broadleaf perennial weeds from your lawns. Early and late fall are the 2 most important times for feeding young and established turf. Early to mid-fall is ideal for seeding all lawns, both old and new/young lawns. Early fall is also ideal for core aerating and liming lawns. Core aeration opens the soil up, enabling roots, rainfall and fertilizers to penetrate deeper into our dense soil. Liming helps neutralize soil acidity, thus making fertilizers work better. So, all lawns – new, young, and well established alike – will benefit from fall-oriented lawn activities. Get started immediately if you haven’t already, and continue through Thanksgiving: broadleaf weed control (whole lawns for most of us), early fall feeding, seeding (10-14 days after weed control application), and late fall WINTERFEAST fertilizing. This is the formula for near perfect lawns next spring.
Lawn Depot Turf Management continues with their regular fall application work (broadleaf weed control, early fall fertilization) and our scheduled core aeration and seeding jobs. We’re still accepting requests for new core aeration and/or seeding jobs for this fall. As always, we’re working against the clock with the weather, but we’ve still got room presently if you move quickly. And, of course, we’re still accepting requests for estimates for both this fall and next year, for our excellent regular Turf Management programs. Simply give us a call (215-348-5553), find us on the internet (www.lawndepotinc.com) and select “Request Estimated”, or stop in at the Garden Center. We’ll be out as quickly as possible to evaluate and measure your lawn (or selected parts thereof), and we’ll email you an estimate.
By now, in planters, pots, or in foundation plantings, the annual flowers that we’ve enjoyed all late spring and summer are pretty well shot. They’re leggy, probably producing fewer blooms, and in general, not as pretty as they have been. It’s time to pull them out and replace them with beautiful fall-blooming plants, like mums, asters, pansies, ornamental cabbage and kale. Available in a multitude of bright colors, they’ll spruce up your landscapes for weeks to come. And while you’re perusing the mums and other fall plants in our Nursery Yard, check out our incredible selection of beautiful perennials and shrubs! You’re sure to find what you need. Perennials REALLY enhance landscapes for many years, and Lawn Depot literally has thousands of them, and tremendously knowledgeable staff to help you pick out the perfect plants to enhance your landscapes. A bonus is that all of our perennials and shrubs are 30% off, while supplies last!
The Lawn Depot’s Garden Center is fully stocked with all of the products you’ll be needing for your lawn and gardening jobs this fall. We sell and use only high-quality grass seed cultivars recommended for this (Northeast) region, and we have our seed blends mixed to our specifications in the Pacific Northwest (where most of our cool-season grasses are grown), and shipped to us in truckload quantities. We also sell and use our special-blend fertilizers manufactured for us, again, recommended to feed the turfgrasses grown in this region. And of course, we’ve got all of the lawn and garden control products you’ll need to eliminate all of the pests in your gardens and on your lawns, along with full lines of tools, applicators, containers and other support materials. And let us not forget, Lawn Depot carries a full line of birding feed and feeders/houses all year long.
The Lawn Depot’s Garden Center is open every day (M – F 8-6, Sat 8-5, Sun 9-3) and will continue with this schedule through Sunday, October 22nd, after which we’ll close weekdays at 5.
At the Lawn Depot we have always concentrated on helping our customers accomplish the best results they can with lawns and landscapes by offering the highest quality products and tools, and by giving honest, meaningful advice on the subjects we’re best equipped to do so with. Our talented staff is available, both in the Garden Center and the Nursery Yard, to answer questions and discuss your particular situation with you, hopefully to your complete satisfaction. We’ve still got almost 3 months left in the 2023 growing season. There’s lots of work to do in all yards, both lawns and landscaped areas. We hope you’ve all still got the urge and are willing to take the time to do what’s best for your yards. We look forward to helping you reach your goals, as always.
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