DORMANT Feeding of Trees, Shrubs, Perennials, and Bulbs – DORMANT is the key word with fall feeding of landscape plants. In essence, when these plants have completed their seasonal vegetative growth and are readying for their long winter’s nap. Feeding trees, shrubs and perennials from mid-October to late November encourages and strengthens root expansion, which will help them better endure the harsh winter weather and ready them to get growing next spring. We recommend that small, shallow-rooted trees and shrubs be fed with slow-release, organic-based granular fertilizers (Espoma’s Holly-tone, Plant-tone, Tree-tone: 18# & 50# bags are NOW 30% off through October 31st), generously distributed beneath the plants’ boughs (over the feeding roots) and watered in. For trees and larger shrubs, fertilizer spikes are a better choice. Punch holes 12-15” deep into the soil at the plants’ driplines, using 3 spikes for every 2” of trunk caliper (3’ off the ground). Drop the spikes into the holes, leave the holes open to be activated by rain/snowfall over the winter. It’s as easy as that.
Pruning Shrubs and Trees; Cutting Back Perennials – Perennials should be cut back at the end of the growing season (now) or before growth starts in the spring. Some prefer to leave perennials untouched with attractive foliage that stays all winter or seed heads that feed the birds and other wildlife.
Planting in the Fall – October is still a great time of the year for planting trees, shrubs, perennials and lovely fall mums. Our Garden Center is currently running a fall sale on perennials & shrubs! And don’t forget Espoma’s Bio-tone Starter Plus and Coast of Maine Penobscot Complete Planting Mix to help get your new plants off to the best start possible! Our nursery yard is still packed with lovely perennials, shrubs, mums, cabbage, kale & pansies that will enhance your landscape today and for years to come. So, stop in and take a look around.
Controlling Next Spring’s Insects Systemically NOW with BIOADVANCED TREE & SHRUB INSECT CONTROL – Spotted Lanternfly, Leaf miners, aphids, lace bugs, adelgids, and many more sucking insects as well as myriad chewing insects (caterpillars, beetles) can be controlled next year by treating host plants NOW with this terrific BioAdvanced product. Applied as a soil drench, the insecticide is absorbed by the roots of the plant now, and disseminated to every branch of the plant, where it remains active for up to 12 months. As the plants’ growth resumes next spring, this systemic insecticide is there to eliminate feeding pests.
Protect Vulnerable Trees and Shrubs from Hungry Deer and Other Pests – As the weather cools and food becomes scarce for our animal friends, they tend to become more brazen in their search for food, and our landscape plantings start looking more delicious to them as winter closes in. Since most of these guys are nocturnal in their scavenging and feeding, shooing them off becomes less and less effective. We recommend REGULAR applications (every 2-3 weeks and then every 30 days once damage has ceased) of one of our several lines of repellent products (available in granular or liquid) on and around trees, shrubs, and other plants that appeal to our animal friends. None of these products are harmful to the animals and are safe for usage around pets and children.
Birding – Did you know that bird watching helps reduce stress levels and can make us feel happier overall? Start your day off with a cup of coffee or tea while watching these magnificent, colorful creatures. Come on by our garden center to see the wonderful selections from our complete line of bird feeds, feeders, houses, and nesting boxes for our feathered friends. Available all year round. Feeding the birds is always fun, especially in the winter when food is not as readily available in nature. It’s not only beneficial to the birds, but it’s therapeutic for us during the long winter months to watch these beautiful creatures in our yards and feeders. And when you feed them in the winter, they’re likely to nest in your area next spring. Any of our fine birding products would make a great gift for your bird enthusiast!
October, though a transitional month in nature, is still a very important month in lawn and garden maintenance. Remember, there are 6-8 weeks left in the fall season. There’s still much to accomplish with lawns and landscapes. The benefits of doing the job all the way to the end are tremendous. As always, you can look to The Lawn Depot as your complete source for all of your lawn and gardening products, questions and information. Also, be on the lookout via email or at the garden center for our amazing fall sales and specials! We look forward to seeing all of you several more times this year. Really. Come on in. We can’t wait to help you all accomplish your lawn and landscape goals this fall.