October is an important month in lawn and garden maintenance, yet it can be confusing to many, figuring out what to do and when to do it. It’s at the tail end of the schedule of things to do in early fall for the lawn (broadleaf weed control, early fall fertilization, seeding), and yet, it’s too early for the end of season applications and activities (late fall fertilization, mowing cessation, final leaf removal). That being said, October is still a great time for seeding/reseeding lawns. We implore you to hurry though, for as the weather gets progressively cooler, seed germination will slow noticeably. So, get to it quickly! Core aeration, liming, removing leaves as they fall in profusion, and continuing regular mowing are all prime lawn activities now. In the garden, it’s still a bit too early for fall feeding of trees and shrubs, for pruning trees and shrubs, or for transplanting trees and shrubs as they’re not yet quite into winter dormancy. Feeding now could stimulate new growth and transplanting now can shock the plants. It is the perfect time, however, to plant NEW trees, shrubs and perennials from containers. Our lovely perennials and shrubs are currently on sale, just in time for fall planting! And don’t forget to protect them with a hearty layer of mulch!
If any of you have any questions about what to do at this time for your lawn or landscapes, give us a call (215-348-5553) or stop by the store. We’re open every day and we’d love to chat with you about your situation. You’ll get good advice and the right products to best accomplish what you want. We’ve been doing it this way for a long time and continue to be well satisfied with the results.
Lawn Depot Turf Management is in the process of finishing up their early fall applications (fertilization, broadleaf weed control, and core aeration/seeding) and will be starting in on the remaining straight core aeration jobs shortly. With the exception of a couple of weeks in the middle of September when we didn’t have much rain and the ground became quite dry, we’ve had a terrific fall weather-wise, and have stayed on course with our heavy fall schedule. As I’ve indicated in the past couple of Newsletters, we’ve not been able to quote on any more jobs for new customers for this year, but we’re accepting requests for the 2021 season. If you’re interested, please give us a call or look us up on the web (www.lawndepotinc.com) and select Request Estimate. Within the next couple of weeks, we’ll resume lawn evaluations for those of you who have requested estimates for next season, and we’ll be sending out our 2021 proposals shortly after the New Year.
The weather’s beautiful at this time of the year, and Mother Nature is still very active. There are still 2 months left in the fall season for yard activity. What you do this fall (until the ground freezes solid in late December/January) with lawns and landscapes will profoundly improve the way your yards look next spring. We look forward to visiting with you several more times this fall in the store, and helping you achieve all your goals in your landscapes.
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