March 2021
As I begin this newsletter, (Feb. 28), I believe that it’s the first time in recent memory that I’ll be talking about lawns and landscapes when I haven’t seen a blade of grass in over a month. February 2021 has blessed us with 5 measurable snow events; the ground’s been frozen since late January; and we haven’t seen any early spring bulbs pushing through the mulch yet.
Add to this Minnesota-like weather & COVID 19-related restrictions, and I’ve got an immense case of SPRING FEVER this year. Hopefully, by the time you’re reading this, the signs of spring will be evident. No matter how bad the winter, spring always seems to explode on us in late March. Hopefully, Mother Nature blesses us with another lovely Bucks County, PA spring.
We all hope that you’ve been able to survive the Pandemic with your mental and physical health intact, and that the worst is now behind us. 2020 was difficult for all of us; may 2021 be MUCH better. Check out our website for the latest on our COVID-19 shopping policies and procedures. We’re making every effort to provide you with a safe, enjoyable shopping experience.
When the snow is gone and the landscape begins to awaken from its winter nap, we typically have lots of cleanup work to do in our yards. It’s still too early to start mowing, fertilizing, and spraying; these chores will start in April. But while the lawns and landscapes are still dormant, there’s plenty of cleanup to be tended to –
- Scarifying and replenishing old mulch
- Removing leaves and sticks from lawns and landscapes
- Servicing and/or replacing power tools, pruning back perennials and shrubs (if you didn’t do this late last year)
- Putting together a plan for this spring’s lawn and gardening activities
And, of course, it’s also time to get over to The Lawn Depot again. You can order and/or purchase needed spring gardening products; Get answers to all the questions that have been rummaging around in your brains since last fall; And of course, to renew old acquaintances with our friendly and knowledgeable staff.
The Lawn Depot Garden Center is filled to the rafters with all the seeds, feeds, tools, and pest control products you’ll be needing, for your evaluation and purchase. The Nursery Yard is still a bit sparse because we still have to deal with some freezing temperatures. As the weather warms, we’ll be bringing perennials & shrubs out from the hoop houses and some new stock in from suppliers. Annuals won’t be arriving for another month or so (when they’ll be able to withstand overnight temperatures). Again, our staff is happy to chat with you about adding to your existing beds and starting new ones. Starting Monday, March 15th, the Garden Center is open every day, Monday through Friday 8-6, Saturday 8-5, and Sunday 9-3.
Lawn Depot Turf Management is coming off a tremendous 2020 year; fortunately, as bad as the year was because of the Pandemic and all of its restrictions, it was a terrific growing year: plenty of regular rainfall throughout the spring, summer and fall seasons, and quite moderate temperatures with few extremes. Lawns and landscapes alike looked lovely all year.
Our quality Turf Management Division had a record-breaking year, and is looking forward to extend our winning streak into 2021. We’ve also begun our early spring application work. This includes fertilization, cool weather broadleaf weed control, and pre-emergent crabgrass control. We will be continuing this routine throughout the early spring. As the weather breaks and lawns begin growing, we’ll start with our spring core aeration and liming jobs as well. Anyone looking to employ an excellent lawn service this year, for either full season programs or special apps., please give us a call at the store (215-348-5553) or Request an Estimate online. We’ll be out within a few days to measure and evaluate your property, and will email (or mail, if you prefer) you an estimate.
This is our 48th year of offering the finest quality lawn and gardening products and friendly advice to the terrific people in and around Doylestown, PA. What started in 1974 in a warehouse by the Doylestown train station has grown into a great Garden Center/Turf Management company in Doylestown Township over the past 48 years. We’ve always had the best customers in the world, and we continue to enjoy serving you. We look forward to renewing old acquaintances this year (as well as new ones), soon and often.
Bob Button