August and September in the landscape are for planting of fall mums, perennials and shrubs, for cutting down or removing leggy/overgrown annuals, for scarifying crusty spring mulch and pulling weeds from the beds, and applying fresh mulch for the fall and winter blanket.
Until we’ve had a killing frost (around late October) it’s still too early for fall feeding of trees & shrubs. Feeding too early will stimulate new growth that will not have a chance to harden off before winter. This feeding is to be a DORMANT feeding. This feeding aids in the development of healthy roots, as well as replenishing the soil where nutrients that are lacking. Similarly, fall pruning should wait until dormancy or new growth may sprout. Wait before transplanting existing trees and shrubs until they’re dormant, this will help ensure the best outcome. It is perfectly fine to plant newly purchased trees & shrubs now. Whether newly planted or transplanted, be sure that you provide 3-4 inches of mulch to the area and couple feet beyond to protect from winter heaving.
It is continually time for applying deer and other pest repellent products. The deer, in particular have been after my shrubs all summer long. I’ve been spraying every 2 weeks with my preferred repellent spray, and will continue throughout the fall and winter. You should be doing the same if you are susceptible to chewing damage.
Spotted Lanternfly – Spotted lanternfly is an invasive planthopper, native to Asia, which was first detected in 2014 in southeastern Pennsylvania. It feeds voraciously on many plants, including economically important crops like fruit trees, grapevines, hops, hardwoods, and ornamentals. There are various techniques you can use to stop them. The most effective is to use a combination of systemic and contact insecticides. Penn State Extension recommends using Imidacloprid (systemic insecticide) in drench form in conjunction with a contact insecticide. Apply BioAdvanced Tree & Shrub Protect & Feed Dual Action formula for systemic protection and BioAdvanced Insect, Disease & Mite formula for contact kill. These two great products will ensure your trees are protected.
To me, as much as I love the summer, with its long days and outdoor activities, I really like the beginning of the fall season. We hope all of you stay safe and healthy as we get into the fall this year. And we hope to see you all often here at The Lawn Depot!