For the past five or six summers we have been quite fortunate to have been able to escape the extended hot, dry spells of norm that are so stressful to our lawns and landscapes. Regular rainfall and moderate temperatures, kept lawns growing throughout the summers, looking good and staying green. This summer we’ve seen a return to more difficult weather conditions, with very dry, very hot weather from mid-July into mid-August, with no ending currently in sight. Lawn growth rates have slowed precipitously with intervals between mowing stretching to upwards of 2 weeks or longer on most lawns. Many lawns (fully or large sections thereof) have gone tan in color, and it looks as though considerable damage is occurring. There will potentially be significant lawn repair work necessary for many of us this fall. With fall being the best time of the year to overseed lawns, we want to urge you all as early as possible to take critical looks at your lawns to determine whether or not you’ll need to do repair work, and if you do, to get after it immediately. Fall lawn work begins as soon after August 20 as possible. Once overnight low temperatures are regularly in the low 60s and upper 50s, go ahead and get started.
Speaking of the potential need for extra attention overseeding our lawns this fall, there’s something I feel compelled to forewarn all of you about: grass seed prices have been significantly impacted by record high global demand during COVID lockdown, followed by two years of poor crop yields, product shortages and freight increases. Last fall and again this year, we are absorbing a significant amount of the increased costs to keep our prices to you as low as we can. We urge all of you to remember the importance of the fall growing season and try to look past these hopefully temporary price increases and do what’s necessary to restore your lawns to vigorous good health.
Lawn Depot Turf Management has begun its early fall application work (broadleaf weed control and early fall fertilizer) and shady lawn overseeding/core aeration jobs. We urge any of you who have already gotten quotations for fall seeding but have not yet ordered it to do so immediately so we can get it on our schedule. And any of you who have not already ordered core aeration or seeding, or both, and might be interested in having us perform the work, please call the office (215-348-5553) or look us up on the web ( and select Request an Estimate). The fall is a busy time for our Turf Management group because of the ideal conditions for growing grass from seed only happens in the fall. If you are interested in utilizing Lawn Depot Turf Management for either regular application work or special application work (core aeration, seeding, liming, etc.), we ask that you either give us a call or request an estimate via our web site. We’ll be out to measure and evaluate your lawn (or sections thereof) within a few days and email you a quotation for the requested work.
Lawn Depot Garden Center is back on our regular fall schedule beginning Saturday, August 27th – open every day, Mon. through Fri. 8-6, Sat. 8-5, and Sun. 9-3. The Garden Center is fully stocked with all the lawn seed, fertilizers, weed controls, and other gardening tools and products you do-it-yourselfers will need. And the Nursery Yard is bursting with lush and in-bloom perennials, small shrubs, and lovely fall mums and asters you’ll want for your new and existing landscapes. By now, the annuals that you planted in May and have been pampering and enjoying all summer, are probably looking a little tired. It’s time to think about ripping them out and replacing them with lovely fall color – mums and/or asters.
Fall is always the best time for starting, repairing, upgrading or just plain maintaining lawns and landscapes. We all wait for Mother Nature to give us the word (regular rainfall and cooler overnight temperatures) that it’s time to get started. Our store and nursery yard staff have been with us for years (most of us, anyway) and we’ve always enjoyed and looked forward to chatting with you, our loyal customers about things you’d like to accomplish this season on your lawns and in your landscapes. We’re good at what we do because we love doing it. Please come in early and often this fall and let us help you accomplish everything you want for your yard.
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