Deer Ban Repellent 50 Capsules
Other repellents contain rotten eggs, garlic, or similar foul smelling substances. If you have ever applied these products you are well aware that they are likely to repel you and your family more than wildlife. DeerBan™ is odorless to humans, but animals, with their extreme sense of smell are easily affected.
- Unique Gel-tablet Application provides effective Year-Round Protection from Wildlife Damage!
- Contains Predator Urine triggering animal flight response
- No Hand Contact with repellent ingredients
- Natural & Bio-degradable
- Water Activated, does not wash away in rain or snow
- Up to 90 Days Protection
- Odorless to Humans
- Easy application, drop capsules around coverage area or place in planters. Add water to activate repellent.
- Perfect around gardens and ornamentals
- USEPA registered
Availability: 9 in stock