Backyard Bug Control 32oz Ready-To-Spray
Enjoy your backyard again with Cutter Backyard™ Bug Control Spray Concentrate. It controls mosquitoes, listed ants, fleas and other listed insects on lawns, landscapes and outdoor surfaces. Cutter Backyard Bug Control Spray Concentrate kills fast and lasts all summer, providing up to 12 weeks of control against house crickets, carpenter ants, harvester ants, lady beetles and earwigs. Includes the QuickFlip™ hose-end sprayer, which activates spray at the flip of a switch. For best results, apply early before insect populations are high. Covers up to 5,000 square feet of lawn.
OUTDOOR SURFACES USE: For control of ants*, centipedes, cockroaches, crickets, fleas, kudzu bugs, millipedes, mosquitoes, palmetto bugs, scorpions, sowbugs, pillbugs, spiders, stink bugs, deer ticks and waterbugs. Apply as a residual treatment to ornamental plants next to foundations of buildings and to surfaces of buildings, porches, screens, window frames, eaves, patios, garages and other similar areas where these pests are active. One quart of Cutter Backyard Bug Control Spray Concentrate treats 2,100 sq ft. Repeat application every eight weeks for control of house crickets, carpenter ants and harvester ants.
For use on ornamental trees, shrubs and flowers such as but not limited to: Ageratum, Aster, Arborvitae, Arizona Cypress, Azaleas, Begonia, Birch, Boxwood, Box Elder, Camellias, Carnations, Cherry (ornamental), Chrysanthemums, Carnations, Coleus, Common Ninebark, Conifers, Douglas Fir, Elm, English Ivy, Euonymus, Exacum, Weeping Fig, Fir, Gladioli, Gold Bells, Hawthorn, Holly, Honeysuckle, Hypoestes, Ivy, Juniper, Lilac, Locust, Maple, Marigold, Mimosa, Mock Orange, Nannyberry, Oak, Orchid, Palm, Pansy, Pea Shrub, Petunia, Philodendron, Pine, Ornamental Plum, Poinsettia, Poplar, Tulip Poplar, Rhododendron, Roses, Snapdragon, Snowberry, Spruce, Taxus, Weeping Fig, Willow, Zinnia.
For control of: ants*, armyworms, azalea caterpillar, aphids***, bagworms, black vine weevil (adult), boxelder bugs, budworms, California oakworm, cankerworms, cicadas, cockroaches, crickets¥, cutwormsβ, Eastern tent caterpillar, elm leaf beetles, European sawfly, fall webworm, flea beetles, forest tent caterpillar, gypsy moth larvae, Japanese beetles (adults), June beetles (adults), lace bugs, ladybeetles****, leaf-feeding caterpillars, leafhoppers§, leafminers+ (adults), leafrollers#, leaf skeletonizers, kudzu bugs, midges, moths∞, oleander moth larvae, pillbug, pine sawfly, pine shoot beetles, pinetip moths, plant bugs, root weevil, sawfly, scale insects (crawlers), spiders, spittlebugs, stink bugs, striped beetles, striped oakworm, thrips, tip moth, tussock moth larvae, broadmites, brown softscale, California redscale (crawler), clover mites, mealybugs, pineneedle scale (crawler), spider mites and whiteflies.
- For best results, apply early before insect populations are high.
- For scale control, treat entire plant, including stem, trunks and twigs.
- For bagworm control, apply when bagworm larvae begin to hatch.
Availability: 1 in stock