Plant recovery, protection and wildlife in our yards.

Drought stress on a Dogwood tree.

Tree and Shrub Damage from the Heat and/or Drought – Excessive heat coupled with dry conditions has greatly increased plant damage this summer, especially on newer plantings and shallow rooted plants.  The high humidity levels combined with high temperatures and no rain has caused fungus damage on foliage and even some leaf droop or drop.

If leaves drop permanently, all may not be lost.  Prune to reduce the surface area for regrowth and water on a regular schedule until we start receiving regular rainfall.  Even trees/plants that have been established for years need regular watering (2-3 time a week via a good drench).   DeWitt Dew Right Bags are a great product for trees – a 15-gallon tree watering bag designed to provide drip irrigation directly to tree roots over an extended period of time. Thus, eliminating severe water stress new trees endure after transplanting and aiding established trees during drought stress, by providing deep watering, while preventing water run-off and evaporation.

Drought Damage to Perennials – Most perennials have endured a difficult growing season this summer (high temperatures and humidity) with little rainfall.  If plants are brown/crispy, prune them back and be sure to water at the base 2-3 times per week, if there is no rainfall.  A good watering/drench via soaker hose or drip from the hose-end is best.  Look to provide approximately an inch of water per week.  A liquid fertilizer application or some granular Plant-tone or Flower-tone will help until we reach fall feeding time and they can receive their usual fall formula.

Fall is for planting – Late August and early September is when most of us swap out tired summer annuals from beds, pots and planters with new plants that give us bright fall colors.  Freshen up your landscape this fall by removing weeds, adding fall plants and applying a new, thin layer of mulch.

Our nursery boasts a fantastic assortment of perennials, shrubs and trees for any situation you may need, including a nice selection of native varieties.  Fall mums, ornamental cabbage & kale, ornamental peppers, celosia, and a variety of cold crops will be here toward the end of August, so far as the weather is conducive for these cooler annuals.  Call us for availability. Once the heat of summer breaks and cooler evenings set in, it’s prime time for all of your fall planting.

Deer and other Pest Repellents – This summer has been particularly difficult keeping deer and rabbits at bay due to the lack of rainfall.  They have been testing and feeding on plants that are normally considered deer and rabbit resistant (there is no such thing as deer proof).  If you’ve been applying repellents with even some success, don’t stop!  Any control is better than none.  Without it, the damage will be greater.  If they are actively feeding, a liquid application is recommended to gain control.  It can be used in conjunction with a granular product and then slowly reduced with continued granular product applications to keep the barrier in place.   Some people prefer liquids, some granular and some both.  It just depends on your preference in applying and experience with damage on your property.  Besides the cost incurred to replace damaged plants, our time, and effort spent on our shrubs, trees, perennials, and annuals is too valuable to share them with our crepuscular visitors.  If you’re in need of some repellent advice, come on over to the garden center.  We’ve got lots of options to and the knowledgeable staff to help you.

All things Birding – It has been a tough summer for birds.  The lack of rainfall, fresh water and reduced natural food sources, has left many birds seeking water and food from alternative sources.  If you put out a birdbath this summer, you’ll surely have experienced an increase in feathered visitors.  Now that fall is just around the corner, it’s time to take stock of your birding supplies and determine what’s needed to keep your feathered friends flocking to your yard.  Stop in to experience our extensive Birding department.  From feeders to birdbaths to birdfood, we have it!  We offer a wide variety of specialty and mixed feeds, from hummingbird food to finch food, to general-purpose food.  We keep it in stock all year, and encourage all of you who love having birds in your yards to stop in and browse away.

As much as we love summer, this one has been long, hot and dry.  We’re looking forward to beginning the fall season, and the return of more regular rain.  There is much to do this fall to aid in the recovery our lawns and landscapes.  Take heart that what we do in the fall will rejuvenate them and your efforts will be rewarded next spring.  Another reason we love fall is it’s when we get to share our knowledge and catch up with you.  We look forward to seeing all of you soon!

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