Landscapes in May

Planting Annuals in May– With the exception of some cool weather tolerant vegetables, most annuals should not be planted in the ground until after the last frost date (May 15-20 in this region).  Not only are most annuals (flowers and vegetables) NOT hardy if we have a late frost, but until we get well into May the ground is still cool and even without a killing frost plants are susceptible to cold damage, roots will be slow to develop, fertilizers will not be absorbed properly, and the plants will just sit there until warmer weather arrives.  On the other hand, annuals that are planted in pots, window boxes, or other above-ground containers can be planted in early May or before, as long as they are protected from any anticipated frosts.  So, plant above-ground now, but in the ground, you might wait a week or so.  Lawn Depot has thousands of beautiful, healthy vegetable and flowering annuals in our nursery yard, and we’re bringing in new plants each week.  We have cell packs and individual plants in several sizes; we have hanging baskets and planted arrangements for patios, decks, and pool yards. Come in and look around.

Planting Perennials – The Lawn Depot has a huge selection of lovely perennials in bloom, bud, and leaf, and also a wide variety of ornamental shrubs.  We invite you all to come in and peruse our assortment and to chat with our talented staff about where, when and what kind of perennials/shrubs will work best for you. We love to help your vision for your yard come to life!

Fertilizing Annuals, Perennials, Shrubs, and Trees in May– Perennials, shrubs, small trees, bulbs, and ground covers should be fed twice a year with either granular, slow release plant foods (Espoma’s Holly-tone, Plant-tone, Bulb-tone, etc.) or formed fertilizer spikes.  Annuals, on the other hand, should be fed with water-soluble fertilizers (MIRACLE-GRO) every week.  Annuals will die with the first killing frost in the fall and will become leggy and unkempt by late summer.  Their beauty is in the spring and most of the summer; during this period, they should be fed frequently and heavily, and the water-soluble fertilizers will do this job best.  Feed them weekly and they’ll explode with flowers and fruit.   MAKE SURE THAT WHILE FEEDING YOUR ANNUALS WITH LIQUID FERTILIZERS, YOU DON’T GET ANY ON ADJACENT SHRUBS. THIS WILL OVERSTIMULATE THESE PLANTS AND WEAKEN THEM. 

Any new plantings will benefit from using Espoma’s Bio-tone Starter Plusto amend the soil in the planting hole at the time of planting.  The mycorrhizae ( in Bio-tone Starter Plus will promote bigger, healthier blooms and roots!

Controlling Insect Pests in the Yard and Landscape– Insects are everywhere in the landscape.  Most of them are not problems and should be allowed to share our space. Others will eat our plant’s leaves, flowers, and fruit if we let them, so must be either repelled or killed. Fortunately, we have learned to control and/or repel most of these pests with products that are safe and selective in their objectives and don’t jeopardize our environment.  We can control pests systemically by applying long-lasting, low-risk products that are broader spectrum at the same time.  So, we have fewer products in the shed that accomplish more, and over a longer period of time.  Lawn Depot sells the families of SBM BIO-ADVANCED and BONIDE products that control a wide range of pests.  And we have the staff that knows which products will best suit your needs and solve your pest problems.  Come in and discuss it with us.

Birds and other Beneficials  – Wouldn’t it be great to have a natural way to keep insects like ants, ticks, flies, gnats, and mosquitoes in check in your yards?  Did you know that many birds eat these insects?  Bluebirds, robins and purple martins to name a few.  Why not encourage them to stay around your yard by putting up birdhouses and feeders for them?  Not only will they help with pest control, but they are beautiful to watch too! NOW is the time to attract hummingbirds to your yard.  They have already been spotted and will be looking to establish their territory for feeding for the season.  These beautiful creatures are graceful and so amazing to watch.

We have a nice selection of feeders, poles, baffles, houses, and a wide variety of bird food mixes and straight products.  Come on in and take a look at our line of excellent birding products.  We also carry bat houses for those of you who would like a natural way to combat mosquitoes and beneficial bee and insect houses to help with pests and pollination of annuals, vegetables, etc.

Protecting Plants from Damage– Many of you have already been dealing with plant damage caused by deer and rabbits.  Yes, we know they’re cute, but they can wreak havoc on the tender new plant growth that spring brings.  We recommend regular applications of deer repellent sprays and/or granules for all vulnerable plants.  Most repellents list the number of days they last “up to”.  This is the manufacturer’s estimate.  Many things affect the timeframe these products should be reapplied.  Rain is the main factor.  It is best to err on the side of earlier rather than later, as it is more difficult to attain control if active feeding has already begun.  The garden center has a large selection of various types of repellents to choose from for deer, rabbits, etc.  Our knowledgeable staff is here to help you choose the product that will work best for your situation.  Don’t wait until it’s too late!

Thus far, the 2019 growing season has been very cooperative to our needs and desires for working in our yards: favorable temperatures and the correct amount of rainfall to keep everything healthy and lush.  We sincerely hope that these conditions continue throughout the rest of our growing season.  We also hope that all of you will find the time to come in and visit the Lawn Depot in the coming months.  We’ve got the products, plants, tools, and expertise to make you all succeed with all your lawn and gardening efforts.

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